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Writer's pictureDavid C

How do you know you are on the Right path?

So, you are following your path, whither it is religions, nature based or any number of different paths. What about doubt? What do you do when you doubt the path? The thing is nobody can tell you what the right path is. You have to find it out there somewhere. Somewhere In the world is the answer. The self-awakened follow their own path with their Buddhi discernment of what is correct and what isn’t. This Buddhi discernment comes from practical experience and an inner glow of Kundalini knowledge. This discernment leads one on an upward journey out of the ignorance (jumping on the bandwagon).

What doesn’t work and the impact.

First of all, I want to write about the meditative paths. There are many paths that encourage quiet meditation so we can develop our concentration or faith. These paths are connected to Bhakti (Ista dev) yoga and Dhyana Yoga. Yes, the Buddha taught Dhyana Yoga. To develop on these paths mentioned, detachment from the ordinary world is required, this is the blockage for easy meditation or mild trance. We would be required to disengage with normal human pursuits to remove these clouds covering the inner sun. This sort of path is not a good thing for people as we all require social skills do to anything. Becoming a quiet person will not make you a popular and adjusted person. I see this is a problem for westerners. Though this is not always the case as some people may well have spent previous lives following these paths. When I am talking about these paths, I am not including self-development, popular psychology based development not aligned to the transcendental. If you wonder why your meditation is not good, it’s because you need to spend more time alone.

What is the actual path?

You don’t have to listen to me lol. Karma is the central blockage to realization. Maybe nobody has mentioned this to you, if not then you are getting the heads up now. The correct path from a traditional yoga school, is to burn your karma. What? Yes, we need to burn down our karma which when it ends, union with God starts. No, you will not die. This is called tapas. To do this requires initiation from a Guru who can start the Kundalini awakening in you. Once this starts, the Kundalini will start to correct the blockages and burn the karma's by itself. Yes, you just recite a mantra, and the rest is done for you. You may not know this but the is the ancient yoga process of India. Yes, Gurus are not telling you. This has been said, before all the paths lead to awakening the Kundalini and start the burning of Karma.

What’s wrong with my path.

If you follow a path that brings peace and contentment, then it’s fair to say it is a good fit for you. You need to follow your path and find out where it leads. If it leads no where then you will need to start again. The Buddhi discernment will show you what is right for you.

- Ps I don’t have all the answers lol. I just say what I have learned.

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