The way of the modern gnostic

Imaginatio est illusio.

Welcome to Gnostic
The way of the Modern Gnostic
This is the web blog of David Murali Cowan. Learn activated Kundalini (pneuma), pure God consciousness, the ancient path of Henosis and Gnosis.
Everything kept hidden from the west is revealed here in this blog.
Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis,) The term was used among various Hellenistic religions and philosophies in the Greco-Roman world. It is best known for its implication within Gnosticism, where it signifies a spiritual knowledge or insight into humanity's real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.
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About me
Based in Belfast Northern Ireland. I am a Blogger on Gnosis for 5 years on, Facebook, Tumblr and a web blog site, which has nearly a million visitors. I teach mind and consciousness, qualified Kundalini, Kundalini ascension, non dual Gnosis (henosis), meditation, Dhyana meditation and thoughtless meditation. My primary objective is to be a light in the darkness and inspire others to live authentically. Thank you for going on this journey with me.You can email me Follow my posts for, Modern Gnosis, Gnosis 101, kap posts and Gnostic concepts, yogic science , Hebrew gnosis and fourth dimensional awareness.

About this blog
The Modern Gnostic Order is the name of the Facebook page, previously called the Modern Gnostic Order of the rose cross. I created this page to explain the mysteries of Gnosis from a scientifc non dualistic approach and also intrinsic fields (Kundalini or Sophia Shakti) viewpoint. Previously I had 2 other websites with over a million visitors.
In 2017 while studying pure Brahman Jhana under a Jhani from India , I studyed Greek metaphyics at home. One afternoon while walking from home from work, I suddenly understood the whole tradtion and mechanics of Gnosis, ancient that is. As Manly P Hall says , when you find the key the temple doors open. Since then I have been teaching Modern Gnosis via social media to the masses.
All my posts are authentic Knowledge , not based on someone else's teachings but what I have discovered and realized. My previous blogs have expired from Facebook and this blog, replaces them.
Newsletter and Coffee talk
The Dessert of the Real is a proposed Newsletter which I post out from time to time. In this newsletter I will go deeper into the mysteries and practical solutions to problems. This newsletter will always have a positive outcome. Also I post coffee talk posts , which i may explain anything mystical that comes off the top of my head. I see alot of people like my coffee talk, don't forget get the dessert.