So, how do you know you are spiritually awakening ?
Well here’s 5 signs so you know.
You stop following others and follow your wisdom. Reading books on magic and the kabblah are interesting reads but you prefer to use your own inner wisdom. People say , their master or guru is there but you know what you seek is inside you.
The world is in darkness. All those big mega-rich people controlling the sheeple are in the dark and don’t know what the truth is. Forget the alien lizards, nobody knows anything.
Everybody is asleep. Everybody just follows somebody else without questioning. Nobody stands up and says , hey what are we doing?
4 Something is going on around you, can’t put your finger on it, but there is. This is like a lucid dream awakening. In your dream people are going around doing their business and also surrounding your awareness. People are watching. As we awaken, we start to become aware of lucid living, and we are living in the same state. You feel a bond with animals. You develop an understanding of animals. It’s like you have become a more honest person and you can communicate with animals better.
5. You hear humming sounds at night before bed. When you meditate at night, you can hear strange humming noises, and you don’t know where they are coming from, yes it’s the chakras.
6. You visit a place with temples, and you don’t want to leave. Let’s say you live in London and visit Southall where there is a Hindu temple. When you go there you have this strange desire to stay there and not leave. You feel very comfortable in a spiritual town.
People who have the inner vision nod at you and smile. You may say People who have a slightly brighter aura,nod and smile at you. How can you tell if someone has such an aura, look in their eyes. It’s true, the eyes are the windows of the soul.
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