According to the legends, Kundalini energy is an astral power or force, left over from the big bang. We can't see it, but we can feel it in our body as a sensation and vision. It is a misconception to see kundalini as a yoga energy, switch on / switch off. In the west, a lot of problems arise from not correctly approaching this immense force. Kundalini energy is a Goddess energy, a divine energy. It is correct to say it is a science of the cosmic gods. That’s how they got there. Most of the time, our energy is pointing downward and our sense too. It is correct to say our light bodies aren’t working the way they should be, and in the west, we say it causes bad health. In the west, we teach kundalini is a powerful healing force. Of course, I always say the direct truth; its not for healing. The West has many schools of healing that teach kundalini. I leave it up to the reader to decide. The actual truth is that our light bodies are blocked by our past life experiences. Therefore, the aim is to remove the blockages to attain salvation. The Goddess of Kundalini wants the best for you but you need to be modelled into the correct shape. Kundalini knows your weaknesses and strengths. Kundalini is an intelligent/transcendent power. Some people say it is wrong to force a change in someone. Don't forget this power knows what you are trying to do. Right now, 3 knots protect you from any real danger. So go ahead and try these.
The techniques
☆ swaying movement
This is a simple exercise to do. When you are sitting down for meditation, do a little side-to-side sway. Why do you say that? well, this is exactly how kundalini will activate. It starts off with small sways. The kundalini recognises this movement and will after some time get the message to awaken. Please remember to do a little prayer to the goddess before doing this exercise. Always approach the Goddess with respect and humility. The goddess isn’t always sweet and nice. She does have a darker form. Having said that, she wants what is best for you. We mortals don’t understand the ways of the divine. The Goddess will push and pull you.
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