Celestial divine knowledge
I have been meaning to post about this subject for a while now. If you read my posts you will see I translate Greek Gnosis into Indian Non-dualism. Why you ask? This is because this is where it came from. Plato copied, Brahman, and Maya and renamed them the Monad and demiurge. Plato even pinched the left and right channels (nadis) of classic yoga science. Yes he writes about it in his teachings! Plato’s teachings spread to Egypt and became Gnosticism, Christian Gnosticism. So what was before Plato and Indian non-dualism? Well before Plato, going back to the time of Babylon, there was the divine celestial knowledge, according to the Hebrews.
Warning, I am going to reveal the ancient knowledge of the Jewish prophets. If you don’t want to know then click back and move on to another writer lol!
Recently this knowledge was forgotten or kept secret from most of the world and Abrahamic religions. It was discovered by a Medium author , listed in the credits. Where was it hidden in plain sight? It was hidden in the Book of Revelation, in the holy bible. Contained with the verses and within the strange angels and creatures, were the secrets passed down through a lineage of prophets. Within this knowledge is — the layout of the angels and the throne of God. This is the secret knowledge of the Ninth Heaven called Kuchaim in Hebrew. The tenth heaven is the realm of God. I am using the ten heavens according to the book of Enoch ( also known as 2 Enoch ) in reference here. This not just Jewish astrology but the inner secrets of the stars. This knowledge reveals original knowledge as passed from one Prophet to another prophet in a chain. So what is it i hear you say? If you have studied astrology, you will pick this up very quick.
First thing you need to know is about the Golden Gate of the Ecliptic. This Golden gate is a celestial gateway formed by two star clusters in the Taurus constellation. The Pleiades and the Hyades form the posts of a virtual gate on either side of the ecliptic line. All of the planets pass through the gate. The ecliptic plane is the orbital plane of the Earth around the sun. The Golden gate is also called the (Gate of Souls where newly incarnated souls were said to enter the world)”. This is an interesting fact, the V symbol Mr Spock from Star Trek uses is an ancient Jewish symbol carved in the remains of the temple. This V symbol represents the Golden gate. This hand sign is a secret symbol of this ancient knowledge. This wisdom has been forgotten over time, until now. Essentially when a prophet writes about the Golden gate of Jerusalem , he secretly refers to this gate and not the Gate of Mercy in Jerusalem’s old city. This is the secret hidden knowledge. The knowledge was secretly referred to but hidden by initiation.
My next post will be on the divine planet. Please see my posting schedule
credit: — Daniel Larimer (Medium author)
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