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How do you know you are awakened?

Writer: David CDavid C

Updated: Feb 24

Being awakened is a big thing now. On Facebook for example, perhaps millions would say they are awakened or they are part of a team to awaken the world.

I'm not going to use the 'woke'. Some people may say they are awake and you need to awaken too. Ok lets see what being awake means. I'm taking a kundalini awakening , Crown cakra switching on experience. I'm not going to go into non duality which is different from kundalini as oil and water, they don't mix.

So what does being awakened mean? Ok let me tell you, I can tell you because I'm 3rd level Crown chakra activated. The view of awakened eyes is this. The whole world is asleep, why you ask? This is because everybody follows someone's path and not their own. What do you mean you say? The masters have said before, the truth is inside you. Everybody is asleep because nobody really looks inside themselves , everybody just follows someone else they feel is a master and that don't do any research , they don''t study the origin of there choses masters teachings. No only that, but everybody in the world, the whole word is lost. Yes even the Illumanti and the big bankers who are storing up money for themselves. They are lost spiritually. The gurus of India have said , the reason why there is so much trouble is because humanity looks for God outside themselves. This is the reason there is so much confusion and trouble in the world. Never mind some clever old men plotting to rule the world or the people in charge trying to take away our human nature. The whole awakening the world is just a relgious theory repackaged. To awaken means, to realise the inner power within you. There is something inside us that when it awakenes then knowledge arises. This is difficult to explain as it requires entering the fourth dimension which always has been with you. You just need to awaken this knowledge within. I explain it all in my posts.

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