I get messages from people who experience ego death every so often. It seems many people relate ego death to enlightenment. This post will explain why ego death is not enlightenment.
Ego death can be caused by anxiety, brain chemistry, drug use, and depression. Sometimes, extreme anxiety can cause the mind to protect itself and produce a trance-like state. A person can walk around but feel the sense of self has disappeared. I need to say that it is possible to get the ego sense to return, and it can be seen as a passing effect.
In all my posts, i point out that the Demiurge (collective unconsciousness) is the mass of gazillions of egos. As long as one ego remains, the total unity is hidden from us. Our mind's nature is the nature of the Demiurge, but your mind doesn't just belong to you. When you astral travel, you will see we have many beings in the astral plane who have always been there. These beings all have egos. Everything in the Demiurge has an ego.
Thanks for reading ❤️