There are many opinions of what Kundalini is. Some say it’s a cosmic snake, healing energy, and of course, the Holy Spirit. Let’s get the facts. In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of divine energy (shakti) believed to be located at the base of the spine, In Saiva Tantra where it is believed to be a force or power associated with the divine feminine. The term, along with the practices, was adopted with Hatha yoga in the 11th century. It has since been adopted into modern spirituality and New Age thought. Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society stated in his book Kundalini Yoga that “Super sensual visions appear before the mental eye of the aspirant, new worlds with indescribable wonders and charms unfold themselves before the Yogi, planes after planes reveal their existence and grandeur to the practitioner and the Yogi gets divine knowledge, power and bliss, in increasing degrees, when Kundalini passes through Chakra after Chakra, making them to bloom in all their glory…”So, is Kundalini a beautiful healing energy? Is it the Holy spirit from the Bible? Here are 6 myths debunked by someone who is crown Chakra activated, having the ability to peer into the inner spaces, normally hidden.
1. It’s dangerous, Kundalini is originally connected to the goddess Kali (a dark goddess and wife of Shiva). Kali has a terrifying form, which for the uninitiated may cause distress and possibly cause low moods. Divine Goddesses apply tough love and expose the yogi’s weakness or push their buttons, so from this view, it could be considered dangerous
.2. It’s a religion. Really lol? Kundalini contains religious elements but is not religious or a religion. Here, I am talking about the spiritual energy as opposed to group.
3. Awakening this energy is frightening. Awakening can cause a change in a person’s outlook or direction. This experience could be joyful or uprooting. Self-awareness is very important here.
4. You need to wear a headpiece, no that’s totally incorrect, I think this comes from a group.
5. It’s all about sex, really lol. There is a sexual element connected with union with Shiva and his wife, which, according to the rites of Tantra, causes the activation of shakti’s (siddhis). This rite is, of course is dangerous, and it is said to cause madness if performed incorrectly.
6. It will hurt your relationship with friends and family. Kundalini activation happens when there is enough detachment found in a person. This could cause misunderstandings with others, but if one applies kindness and love, then this should not cause such a large drama.To answer the other two questions. Kundalini is not a healing energy , though some gurus or masters may have done this. For the one who is crown chakra activated, the chakras and kundalini are designed for liberation from ignorance. Technically speaking, Sophia is the bride of the logos so she could be considered the spirit. As the Kundalini contains many religions, it would be difficult to pin it down to just one.
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